What Are You Believing? Breaking the Chains of Limiting Beliefs

Jun 09, 2024

Breaking the Chains of Limiting Beliefs 

Limiting beliefs can be insidious. They sound rational and believable, but they're lies that hold us back from reaching our true potential. Here’s how I know.

Recently, I was grappling with some deep-seated limiting beliefs that I couldn’t seem to shake. I confided in a trusted mentor, and she posed a powerful question: “Are those limiting beliefs actually true?” I took a moment to reflect and replied, “No, they’re not.”

She then challenged me to seek the truth by finding Bible passages that countered those thoughts. This exercise was liberating, helping me replace those false beliefs with empowering truths.

For those of you starting your cybersecurity careers, whether you're fresh out of college, transitioning from another profession, or re-entering the workforce, here are four common limiting beliefs from a curated list of about 30, and how to combat them with empowering truths.

Limiting Belief #1: “I don’t have enough experience.”

Truth: Everyone starts somewhere. Experience is built over time, and every expert was once a beginner. Focus on gaining practical knowledge and skills, and remember, your unique perspective is valuable.

Limiting Belief #2: “I won’t land a job because the competition is too tough.”

Truth: While the competition may be fierce, there is a place for you. Differentiate yourself by continually learning and growing. Networking and showcasing your passion for cybersecurity can open doors you never imagined.

Limiting Belief #3: “I can’t keep up with technology.”

Truth: Technology evolves rapidly, but so can you. Commit to lifelong learning. Leverage online courses, webinars, and industry certifications to stay current. Your adaptability is your strength.

Limiting Belief #4: “I have no guidance. How can I possibly do this?”

Truth: Mentorship and community are crucial. Seek out mentors and join cybersecurity communities. Surrounding yourself with like-minded professionals will provide the support and guidance you need to thrive.

Practical Steps to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

  1. Identify and Challenge Your Beliefs: Write down your limiting beliefs and question their validity.
  2. Seek Truth: Find counterarguments or truths that negate your limiting beliefs. If the Bible resonates with you, use it. Otherwise, find principles that align with your values.
  3. Take Action: Start with small, actionable steps towards your goals. Celebrate your progress and learn from setbacks.
  4. Build a Support Network: Connect with mentors and peers who can offer guidance and encouragement.
  5. Stay Committed to Growth: Continuously seek opportunities for learning and professional development.

My Personal Journey

When I began my journey in cybersecurity...many, many moons ago. I faced numerous obstacles and self-doubts. I struggled with imposter syndrome throughout, constantly feeling that I wasn’t good enough despite my skills and achievements. To top it all off, I didn’t see many who looked like me leading in cybersecurity, which made me question whether I belonged.

However, by reframing my mindset and actively seeking support and resources, I was able to overcome these challenges. I found truth in the words of those who had walked the path before me and through personal reflection. Although this exercise for me wasn't related to my cybersecurity career, it is something I am doing currently that's well outside of my comfort zone--I will share my story soon enough

The freedom that came from this exercise was incredible, and it’s something I encourage you to experience as well.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Remember, these limiting beliefs are not your reality. Find the truth, embrace it, and let it empower you. As you navigate your path in cybersecurity, hold onto your new empowering beliefs.

What are some other limiting beliefs you recognize, and what truths are you telling yourself to counter them? Share in the comments below!

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